Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge

Isom Lake Road
Lake County, Tennessee


Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge is located just south of Reelfoot Lake and east of the Mississippi River. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee’s largest natural lake, was created during the 1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes when the altitude of the area’s terrain was lowered. Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge was established as an inviolate sanctuary for wintering waterfowl in 1938 by Presidential proclamation. Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge is the oldest such refuge in Tennessee and encompasses nearly 1,850 acres of migratory bird habitat surrounding the lake. Lake Isom was once connected to Reelfoot Lake through a series of sloughs and marshy areas. Due to accelerated land clearing and drainage for agriculture, the lake soon became isolated from Reelfoot Lake and a shallow floodplain wetland area was formed that now covers approximately 650 acres.

The lake is open to public fishing from March 16 to November 14. Boat launching is limited to established boat ramp and boats are limited to electric motors and outboards of 10 hp or less. Bank fishing is permitted but the swampy nature of the terrain around the lake make this form of fishing difficult. Limited hunting opportunities for white-tailed deer, raccoon, and squirrel are available on the refuge. Contact the refuge for current regulations and season dates. Waterfowl hunting is prohibited on the refuge.


Fishing and Hunting
The lake is open to public fishing from March 16 to November 14. Boat launching is limited to the established boat ramp and boats are limited to electric motors and outboards of 10 hp or less. Bank fishing is permitted but the swampy nature of the terrain around the lake make this form of fishing difficult. Limited hunting opportunities for white-tailed deer, raccoon, and squirrel are available on the refuge. Contact the refuge for current regulations and season dates. Waterfowl hunting is prohibited on the refuge.


Bird Watching
The refuges proximity to Reelfoot Lake and the Mississippi River has made it a major stop-over and wintering area for large concentrations of waterfowl within the Mississippi flyway. Wintering concentrations of mallards may exceed 100,000 birds, and during extreme winters concentrations of Canada geese may exceed 30,000. With numerous other waterfowl species utilizing the refuge during the winter, spectacular concentrations of waterfowl can often be viewed at the refuges observation areas. The Lake is also known for both nesting and wintering bald eagles. Some 239 species of birds have been documented on the refuge.


Caution: Mosquitoes and cottonmouth snakes are abundant throughout the Reelfoot Lake area during the warmer months so please be cautious when utilizing refuge areas. If you are planning any activity that involves being outdoors for extended periods, bug spray, sunscreen, light snacks, and water are recommended.

Visiting Lake Isom Wildlife Refuge
Lake Isom is open from March 16 through November 14 from sunrise to dark.
There is no charge to visit Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge.


Lake Isom is located approximately 3 miles south of Reelfoot Lake.


Explore the Lake County, Union City, and Obion County areas


Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge - The official website of the Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge.

Explore the Upper Delta Region of the Mississippi River
