Little River Conservation Area

Kennett, MO


The Little River Conservation Area was purchased by the Missouri Conservation Department in 1993 from Charles D. Adams. The area is located within the Mississippi Delta region and is associated with Sharkey soils. Sharkey soils are dominant in the Mississippi Delta with more than 3 million acres in the region and consist of very deep, poorly and very poorly drained, very slowly permeable soils. The vegetation that originally dominated this area consisted of oak, gum, and cypress. The area also contained some prairie zones which would have been dominated by cane, Virginia wild rye, ricecut grass, and sedges.

Little River CA contains the 150-acre Jerry P. Combs Lake, as well as five floodway ditches. The area also contains 103 acres of reforested bottomland hardwood, 477 acres of marshes, and 306 acres in use as agricultural fields. Combs Lake has six fishing jetties, one concrete fishing platform, one covered floating fishing dock, and one two lane boat ramp with handicap parking. The main area has a 50-car parking lot which is located at the west side of Combs Lake. Disabled-accessible ramps lead from the parking lot to the fishing docks and platform. Anglers will find good populations of bass, catfish, and crappie in Jerry P. Combs Lake. Carp and sunfish can be found in other parts of the Conservation Area. Hunting for dove, quail, rabbit, and waterfowl is allowed. There is also a pavilion with picnic tables, as well as men's and women's privies, which are located at the parking lot.

Eleven wetland units have been developed with levees and water control structures which allow these areas to be managed for the benefit of wading birds and waterfowl during the spring and fall. In addition, the 103 acres of reforested bottomland hardwoods have had levees added to them so they can be managed as a green tree reservoir.


Bird Watching
For birders the most common birds that can be expected to be seen at Little River Conservation Area are spring and fall shorebirds, wading birds, waterfowl and raptor migrations. Other bird species that can be found are dickcissel, bobolink, and other grassland bird species. Before they became extinct, millions of passenger pigeons passed through this area as they migrated north and south. Least terns and black terns can be seen every year feeding at Jerry P. Combs Lake.

Visiting the Little River Conservation Area
Open daily 4 am - 10 pm
Refuge areas are closed to all activities November 1 - January 31.


Directions: The Little River Conservation Area is located four miles east of Kennett on US-412.


Explore the nearby community of Kennett


Little River Conservation Area - The official website of the Little River Conservation Area maintained by the Missouri Department of Conservation.

Explore the Upper Delta Region of the Mississippi River
